2016 Candidates Forums
Thursday, October 20, 2016 @ 7:00 PM
Officers for 2005/2006
Randle Clay, President
Twala Dollard, 1st Vice President
Theodis Ray, 2nd Vice President
Lydia Bessent, Secretary
Delores M. Abraham, Treasurer
Martha Misick, Asst. Secretary
Rev. Herbert Missick, Parliamentarian |
At-Large Executive Committee Members
Gloria Bartley, Leroy G. Smith, Ann Moore, Rev. Ruthye Smith, Hosea Williams, Reva Watson, Theodis Ray, Jeff Davis, Sonya Mallard, Paul Johnson, William E. Gary
Welcome; on behalf of the officers and members of the North Brevard County Florida Branch of NAACP I would like to thank you for visiting our home on the Internet. We are engaged in continuing the fight for justice and equality that began with the "call" to New York City in 1909. On a local level we build on the legacy of the late Harry T. Moore who organized the first Brevard NAACP branch in 1934. We urge you to use this web site to learn more about the important work of the NAACP and the people who make it happen. Join us, there is something for everybody.
The North Brevard County Branch NAACP is committed to improving the political, educational, social and economic status of minority groups; to eliminate racial prejudice; to keep the public aware of the adverse effects of racial discrimination; and to take lawful action to secure its elimination, consistent with the efforts of the national NAACP.
To support the programmatic activities of the national and state NAACP organizations, To champion the cause of civil rights in the local community, And to collaborate with other like minded organizations on matters of mutual interest.
To create a local environment free of discriminatory practices and processes, where all citizens can realize the full potential of their individual abilities.
Our Main Activities:
- Fighting racial discrimination in employment, housing, education, law enforcement misconduct, etc.
- Sponsoring Voter Registration drives, Voter Education programs, Candidate Forums, Get-Out-The-Vote campaigns.
- Sponsoring a "Back To School/Stay In School" program, Tutorial Assistance program, Recruitment/Retention of Black Teachers/Administrators, Parent/Student school strategy seminars.
- Employment Referrals, Minority Business Conferences, Development of Black Business Directory, Home Ownership Seminars, Community Reinvestment Act monitoring.

A Voteless People Is A Hopeless People