Titusville Florida Area Lodging
Bed & Breakfast
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hotel name in
the listing below. |
Bed & Breakfast
Casa Coquina Del Mar
4010 Coquina Avenue
Titusville, Florida 32780
The Wayward Traveler's Inn
2398 N Singleton Ave
Mims, FL 32754
Why stay in a Titusville hotel, bed & breakfast, campground or rental unit?
Perhaps because Titusville is on Interstate 95, or because NASA, military and commercial rockets launch here; or the Astronaut Hall of Fame, Police Hall of Fame and Warbird Airplane museum are here. Perhaps our pristine, natural Atlantic beach calls you to swim, tan, surf or go fishing. Could it be the rich opportunities for birding and wildlife viewing, or the beautiful hiking opportunities? For you, it could be an opportunity to kayak or canoe on our rivers, lakes and "most environmentally diverse lagoon;" or go on a beach or trail horse back ride, or take a thrilling air boat ride. Maybe you have heard of our fabulous restaurants.
Titusville has a lot to offer the traveler or vacationer. Not the least is (after you have "done" Titusville - after your 2nd or 3rd visit) that we are convenient to Port Canaveral, Cocoa Beach, Orlando and Daytona Beach. We welcome your stop. We enjoy sharing our Southern hospitality.