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Ecotourism on Florida's Space Coast - Titusville Florida
Eco Tortoise

The beauty and diversity of Titusville's unique ecosystems are much too well kept secrets.
Well, "the secret is out!"
Please enjoy a virtual ecotourism visit:

Our Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge features 140,000 acres with over 1000 plant and 500 animal species, including 16 threatened or endangered mammals. It is one of the world's premier birding sites.

The adjacent Canaveral National Seashore features 24 miles of unspoiled Atlantic beach.   Watch a sea turtle lay her eggs.

Our county wide Environmentally Endangered Lands purchasing program has set aside a variety of beautiful ecosystems including the Enchanted Forest Sanctuary.

Florida Birding, Wildlife & Nature Festivals Listing

North Brevard Florida Nature Sanctuaries
View in a larger map

Merritt Island N.W.R. & Canaveral N.S.
View in a larger map

Photos of map locations.

Click for descriptions of North Area Brevard Parks
Maps, Photos & Descriptions of
all the North Brevard Parks

Above are just the Cultural Centers.
Fox Lake Park in the Mist. Click to see our North Brevard Parks.

Wildlife Watching's Contribution to Nation's Economy

Earth Day Family Fun Festival
A Gathering of Environmental Organizations
Activities and walks for children and adults

    Orlando Wetlands Park Festival
Guided tours, historic reenactments,
live music, wildlife shows. Food.

    Space Coast
Birding & Wildlife Festival


How to get there and what to do
Birding, Hiking, Paddling and Fishing.

Birds - Manatees - Animals - Reptiles - Butterflys
Ecosystems - Wildflowers - Scenery
    "Out There" eMagazine
Real stories by real people
about their outdoor adventures.

Space Coast Birding, Hiking & Paddling opportunities.
Space Coast Outdoor Activities
Excellent descriptions of where to go and what you can expect at many Space Coast venues.
Space Coast Birding
Space Coast Paddling
Space Coast Hiking

Click for printable enlargement.

Florida's Wildlife Legacy InitiativeLeave No Trace - Center for Outdoor Ethics

Not many places offer such unique variety. In fact, our National areas have been ranked eleventh in the world among Ecotourist destinations that "give the most enriching experience." The ranking was produced from a survey by Weissmann Travel Reports (WTR). WTR is an encyclopedia of travel used primarily by professionals (a consumer version is available on AOL). [We were ranked alongside the finest ecotourism destinations in Rwanda, Botswana, Ecuador, Wyoming, Antarctica, Australia, India, Manitoba, Costa Rica and Lapland.]

When you have enjoyed your virtual visit, we invite you to come and experience the real thing. The folks at any of the sites below will be happy to help you with your ecotourism planning.

Here are some "outdoor" activities that ecotourists enjoy:
| | Jungle Adventures | | Airboat Rides at Midway | |
Ecotourists will find truly hospitable places to stay:
| | Manatee Hammock Campground (tent & RV) | |

We have many fine restaurants:
| | Dixie Crossroads | |
| | Mr. Submarine & Salads   | |   Kelsey's Pizzeria | |

North Brevard is a great place to visit - to work - raise a family - to retire.
Enjoy exploring us first, here on the Internet.

We would love to hear from you: eMail Us,
and we would love to welcome you to our wild backyard.

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Florida Greenways and Trails
Britannica Award On January 31, 2000 we received this eMail:
" is contacting you because our editors have selected your site (Ecotourism in North Brevard) as one of the best on the Internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation and usability."

The Secret is Out
*City of Titusville LINK
